
Bastion: The kid wakes up

Bastion is a game which is a shining example of story telling being told through game play, every action you take the 'Narrator' will comment on. From smashing away with your hammer to falling off the world, the story unfolds with the gruff voice commenting on your actions and the world around you. The intro to the game is beautifully done with you lying on your bed not moving as you move the controller to try and work out what to do you arise from your bed and the narration begins with 'The kid wakes up'.

Whilst the story is the real meat of this game the combat system is not to be overlooked with a top down hack and slash style game play and an immense amount of 'tonics' to augment your abilities there are a lot of options in this game. You can choose to take any 2 weapons with you from a fairly large pool, on top of that each weapon has 2 skill tree's from which to choose ability's making your play style very unique.

The artistic style of this game is beautiful  some of the environments are truly gorgeous whilst not hyper realistic graphics the unique art style is exceptionally well animated and truly picturesque.
The environments you traverse are a joy to explore, as the world builds up from under your feat 
on your way to discover hidden treasures and secrets. There were times in the game where I stopped dead in my tracks and admired the amazing scenery and the smallest details that makes this game stand out compare to the usual grey wall and dirt brown pallets of the AAA's we are used to.

The last thing I have to mention about Bastion is the melodic sound track, ranging from upbeat fast paced battle music. To the somber and saddening tracks that match the mood of complete loneliness and despair at the world the characters lived in being ripped apart. For all those looking for a good story combined with stylized art style and beautiful soundtrack I can't recommend Bastion enough. If possible it's defiantly one to be played with a controller for all those PC users out there, I found a controller just made the game that bit more enjoyable.