We hunger for vengeance! |
On first glance, the power of Bloodmage Thalnos can be extremely underestimated. Although he is a 1/1 with little chance of surviving more than one turn, he is without a doubt, one of the most powerful cards in the game. As he only costs 2 mana, his +1 spell damage ability makes him a must have in any spell heavy deck, especially Mage and Druid. In a Mage deck he combines well with Mana Wyrm and Arcane Missiles for quick spell damage and early creature presence. He is generally a great pick for arena decks too, as he fits in well with most classes. Even if you don’t manage to draft many spells, his draw mechanic will make up for this.
He can also help you out early on to get rid of big creatures such as the Chillwind Yeti ,who’s 5 health normally cause a bit of a problem. For example, the Druid spell Swipe can suddenly deal 5 damage to one creature and 2 damage to all other creatures. Or you can use Starfall to deal 6 damage to one creature, or 3 damage to all creatures. He can be combined with many other sweeper spells such as Arcane Explosion, to take out any waves of small creatures which you normally face against aggro decks (or combined with Flamestrike for bigger creatures). He is also a massive damage dealer in the Warlock deck when combined with Soulfire, giving you 5 damage for only 2 mana !!
Not only does he help with spell damage, but his deathrattle ability allows you to draw a card. This means that even if you play him early on in the game, you will have a creature and the chance to draw. Although this will mean you can’t take advantage of the extra spell damage later on. He is a great replacement for the Novice Engineer and Loot Hoarder, as your opponent will always have a sense of urgency to get rid of him. Leaving a creature with +1 spell damage on the board for too long is never a good idea. And if he manages to stick on the field somehow, you could follow up with a Kobold Geomancer giving yourself +3 spell damage total.
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