
Deck building with p0w3rtrigger

Gareth from p0w3rtriggers ranked experience

Gareth from YouTube channel p0w3rtrigger, is gradually constructing Scrolls videos and teaching himself how to play the game. Here is one of this first few games he has played and recorded. For those who haven't seen much of Scrolls, this video will give you an excellent idea of how games are played out.

If you are interested in any more of the videos he has done (or just like the sound of his voice) his YouTube profile can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/p0w3rtrigger

Deck building with p0w3rtrigger

Here is a video with me going through a deck with Gareth trying to get the most out of his cards. I also discuss a few key basics with him and general card knowledge.


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