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Hurr and Durr's thoughts on Mojang's TCG Scrolls.


What you want!? - Frostwolf Grunt

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The 32bit Kitchen

32bit Generation, from Sega Mega Drive II to Playstation 1 Great games from this amazing era.

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Scrolls beta release set for end of April

That's right folks, the long awaited Scrolls beta is finally upon us ! Although the game was initially planned to be released by Christmas last year, delays meant that beta was pushed further back. There's still a chance that it could be delayed again mind you, but this seems a lot more hopeful !

Hurr & Durr have got big plans for a new video series set for the time leading up to the beta release. We hope you enjoy the new content, so keep an eye on our YouTube channel in the next few weeks !

See the official announcement from Scrollsguide here:


GrumpCat's Guide to Order

In this guide I will be going over all the scrolls in order and various different ways in which they can be used. This is a basic guide just to give people an idea of different combinations for order scrolls.

More information on the order scrolls can be found on the wiki:


Blessing of Haste Target unit's Countdown is decreased by 1.

This scroll decreases target unit's Countdown by 1. I generally don’t use blessing of haste on something unless it will make it attack next turn. There’s not much point in reducing from 3 to 2 because there’s a high chance it will be dead next turn.

Blessing of haste works well for surprise attacks, and when combined with focus you can use weaker creatures to take out larger threats. While not as fast as speed, due to the low cost blessing of haste is definitely a scroll which should be in every MO deck.

Callback Unsummon target unit you control back to your hand.

This scroll can be used to unsummon and recast memorials, but for a MO deck this isn’t very useful. As nothing in order has haste there is no reason to want to unsummon creatures. This scroll is only really viable if you are making a GO deck so you can use them on Kinfolk Veterans, Ragged Wolf or Mangy Wolf.

Crossbowman Creature with Ranged Attack.

Crossbowman have a countdown of 3, making it a tricky scroll to play. They can be devastating if played early game before your opponent has a chance to ramp and get some removal in their hand. If combined with speed and/or focus they deal a high amount of damage with an attack of 4. Late game they are too weak, unless placed around an Honourable General before his countdown reaches 0, or hasted.

It is also worth mentioning that as they are ranged attack they can kill spearmen without taking damage, and will also attack when bombard is cast.

Crown of Strength Enchanted unit gains +1 Attack and +2 Health.

Crown of Strength can be used in several ways, for example to buff spearmen so they live for longer and will do more spiky damage. It can also help to quake-proof units you don’t want to die. And the +1 attack can make weaker creatures more of a threat. However, due to the amount of removal scrolls available, Crowne of Strength is now less viable.

Decimation All units on target row lose 1 Health. Opponent's idol on that row loses 2 Health.

This is one of my favourite order scrolls. While it does deal damage to your own units if they are on the same row, if used correctly decimation can be the difference between winning and losing a game. Decimation shouldn’t really be used early game just to get a cheeky 2 idol damage as it’s not really worth it. It can however be used as decent removal for things like Sister of the Fox, Gravelock Raiders and Kinfolk Braves – if combined with Kabonk/Spiky for example. Late game when your opponent has amassed units on the field you can use it to reduce their health and then go swinging in with a Skirmisher.

Also if you have got an idol down to 1 or 2 health and your opponent has started defending heavily, decimation allows you to bypass those units and deal direct damage to the idol. Meaning that there defences are elsewhere and you can start going aggressively for another idol. If you manage to have two decimation in your hand late game, dealing 4 idol damage makes a big difference.

Desert Memorial When Desert Memorial comes into play, increase Energy by 1.

This memorial is used for splash Energy decks. They can also be used as temporary defence against creatures without relentless.

Divine Mark When enchanted creature is destroyed, it is returned to owners hand. If it was killed by damage from another unit, that unit is returned to its owner's hand.

This was one of the new scrolls which was released with the latest patch. While it is interesting in a GO deck, it’s not particularly helpful in MO. The downside to this card is that it returns the opponent unit to their hand as well, which isn’t always good news. For example, if your spearman is killed by a kinfolk, you really don’t want another one killing your stuff next turn either. However, this scroll is useful for dealing with creatures with relentless as they will be return to their owners hand before they can cut through the rest of the lane.

Overall Divine Mark is interesting and fun to play around with, but it’s not as useful as you may think.

Ducal Infantryman All friendly creatures on the same row as Ducal Infantryman gain +1 Attack.

This is an extremely useful creature which has a low cost and can be used to buff stronger creatures. Put one on the same lane as a crossbowman and he’s now able to deal 5 damage – that’s half an idols health. Or if you are short of Focus, you can use this creature to get extra attack damage.

Ducal Skirmisher Creature with Relentless ability.

Skirmishers are the main threat in any MO deck. Their relentless ability makes them a force to be reckoned with as they can cut through defences. They have 4 health which means they are pretty beefy and not so easily taken care of. Hiding them behind Spearmen and Waking Stones will keep them alive for longer.

Ducal Spearman Creature with Spiky 2.

Spearmen can absolutely cripple some decks. Spearmen are a great way to build up defences, while still being able to attack. Although they only have 2 attack, their 2 Spiky damage more than makes up for this. If you use Decimation or Kabonk to knock down opponents health to 2, then you know that there’s not much chance of them charging into a spearman.

Faith Blessing Sacrifice target unit you control and heal the idol on the same row by 4.

Faith Blessing is not very useful in an order deck. You will want to maintain a field presence so unless you have the spare units and resources, I wouldn't bother using it.

Faith Chains When enchanted creature is destroyed, Faith Chains deals 1 damage to each of opponent's idols.

Faith Chains in my opinion are not as good as Decimation, it only damages idols and only does this if the creature is destroyed. As this is a 5 cost order scroll, it’s really not worth it.

Flip Move target opponent unit to any unoccupied tile on opponent's board.

Flip is a very interesting scroll and is great fun to play. It’s definitely useful for those who don’t have some of the rarer order scrolls. It can be used to trap a threat in a corner, move a unit in front of your attacking creature, or disrupting their defences. So if they have hidden a Great Wolf behind an Eternal Statue, you can flip it out from there and dispose of it.

Focus Target unit gains +3 Attack until end of turn.

Arguably one of the best order scrolls there is. If you have two of them in your hand and 2 order resources available – that’s an extra 6 attack on a lane and a lot of dead creatures ! Even having one can be deadly to your enemy, and if combined with a Ducal Infantryman this can seriously cause them problems.

Frost Wind Add +1 Countdown to target unit and all adjacent units.

Due to the amount of countdown reset in scrolls, Frost Wind isn’t particularly useful. It may buy you an extra turn if you’re lucky but more often than not it won’t.

Heritage When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, you draw 2 scrolls.

Heritage are one of the few decent draw scrolls in order and is extremely useful if you are lacking Imperial Resources. Heritage can be used on creatures or structures, but are better used on creatures as your opponent is definitely going to want to kill them (and not just flip them out of the way or something). Heritage can be combined with Powerbound to increase ramp and help keep up with those pesky Fertile Soils. However, as Heritage is a 3 cost scroll this is quite high for order when most of the creatures are around 3 or 4.

Honorable General When Honorable General's Countdown becomes 0, all adjacent units have their Countdown set to 0.

Honorable Generals are beasty unit for a MO deck and can completely turn a game around. If you have a general surrounded by Skirmishers and a Speed in hand, that means bad news for your opponent. Although their initial countdown is high, with Blessing of Haste and Speed this can be easily dealt with. The Honorable General also has 6 health which means that he makes for good defence too.

Horn of Ages Opponent's units may not move during next turn.

Horn of Ages is an interesting scroll and needs to be executed carefully. You can use it to bring your units closer to your opponent, or even use it to move them further away. So it can be both offensive and defensive in that sense. It can also cause problems for your opponent if they are stuck in a corner or bottom lane, or if you have flipped them out of the way and want them to stay there.

Imperial Resources Draw 2 scrolls. Your idols are healed by 1. All your units are healed by 1. Increase order by 1.

This is another of the new order scrolls, and is one of the most powerful order scrolls there is. The only perceivable downside to this scroll is knowing when to cast, you don’t want to cast it in favour of having field presence, but at the same time the ramp and scrolls it provides gives you a huge advantage over your opponent. As soon as you hit 6 order I’d be looking for a chance to use this scroll.

Don’t forget this scroll also heals structures, which means that if you have a waking stone on 2 health it will be healed back to 3!

Kabonk Deal 1 damage to target unit. Draw 1 scroll.

Although Kabonk doesn’t immediately appear like a strong scroll, it most certainly is. It can be used for removal of small creatures, knocking down heath of larger ones and of course drawing an extra scroll.

It is also worth mentioning that Kabonk can be used to damage your own creatures. So let’s say you have a creature on 1 health with heritage on it, and you want those extra scrolls in hand – you could Kabonk it !

Knight Scholar Draw 1 scroll if Countdown is 0. Countdown is reset to Knight Scholar's base value.

Knight Scholar has the choice to attack or draw a scroll when his countdown reaches 0. This means that he can be used as constant draw while he’s on the field.

Mangonel Lobber. When Mangonel comes into play, all Mangonels have their Countdown set to the lowest Countdown of any Mangonel you control.

Mangonel is another of the newest order scrolls and is the only offensive order structure. Although the idea of Mangonels sounds good, their high countdown makes them difficult to play. Unless you are using summons it will be very difficult to draw them in a 50 card deck. Their 2 health also makes them very weak when compared with other structures. So the chances of you having one still alive after getting another one in hand aren’t that great.

Metempsychosis Target unit you control is resummoned on the same tile.

This scroll can be as a healing card, resummoning a target unit to full health.

New Orders All units you control may move again.

This is another useful scroll for movement strategies and can be used the same way as Horn of Ages. It allows you to manoeuvre around your opponent as you please and place yourself in a more advantageous position.


Obelisk is a wall structure with 5 health and can be buffed with Shrines or other enchantments.

Plate Armor All combat damage to enchanted unit is decreased by one.

Plate Armor is a fairly decent defensive scroll, it can be cast on your structures as well as creatures (although there is no point putting this on a Waking Stone). It can be combined with something such as Resonance Helm to keep your units alive for longer.

Pother Target unit is moved to a random unoccupied, adjacent tile. Draw 1 scroll.

Pother is an extremely useful scroll when considering the positioning of opponent units. It works in a similar way to flip, in that you can launch surprise attacks by moving things like structures out of the way. Although the movement of the unit is completely random, if played correctly Pother can provide a huge advantage. Pother is also cheap as it’s only 1 cost and lets you draw an extra scroll.

Powerbound When enchanted unit you control is destroyed, increase your Order by one.

Powerbound is used to help ramp and can also make your opponent less willing to kill the unit enchanted with this ability.

Purification Remove all enchantments from target unit.

Purification is a fantastic low cost card which completely removes all enchantments from a target unit. So you could remove Ranger’s Bane from your own units, or get rid of Plating on an opponent. The only downside is that in a 50 scroll deck you may not draw one when you actually need it.

Pushback Target opponent unit is returned to its owner's hand.

Pushback has several different uses, the first is used in a similar way to purification. If an opponent has enchanted a unit, for example a Gravelock Elder with Potion of Resistance, can be pushbacked – completely removing the enchantment. Pushback can also be used to kill units if used in the correct way. For instance if units have 1 health remaining and are only alive because of an Infantryman buff, you could push him back and kill the other units.

It can also be used to buy yourself another turn, for example if a creature is about to attack you can use Pushback so that its countdown is reset again. It also means that your opponent has to spend another turn recasting it.

Resonant Helm Enchanted unit's Health is healed by 1 every time you play a spell or enchantment.

Not a very useful healing scroll as it only activates if another spell or enchantment is cast.

Royal Infantryman All friendly creatures on the same row as Royal Infantryman gain +1 Health.

This creature can be used to buff health of units. They have a low cost which makes them a useful scroll for buffing the weaker Spearmen and Skirmishers.

Royal Skirmisher Creature with Relentless.

Royal Skirmishers are the weaker of the two Skirmishers, but they still have the relentless ability and cost less to cast. This means that you can keep building them up to gain more field presence. Their health and attack can also be buffed used Infantrymen.

Royal Spearman Spiky 2.

Royal Spearman can be used in the same way as Ducal Spearman, except that their 3 health makes them more vulnerable to Kinfolk Veterans. They are best played early game and it’s a good idea to be looking for a Ducal Spearman in the meantime.

Royal Vanguard When Royal Vanguard's Countdown becomes 0, all other units you control gain +1 Attack until end of turn.

The Royal Vanguard is a key player in any order deck. Not only is he a fat unit, but he buffs the attack of all units. This means that if you combine him with an Honourable General surrounded by Skirmishers you can effectively activate the order version of God Hand.

Shrine While Shrine is in play, all friendly units gain +1 Health.

While Shrine’s are not a strong structure by themselves, they can be effective in building a strong defence. They can buff Waking Stones and Spearmen, making your units much harder to kill. However, due to the low health of Shrines they tend to be removed quickly.

Sinmarked Zealot When Countdown is 0, Sinmarked Zealot can be sacrificed to deal 2 damage to target unit

Sinmarked Zealots are orders low cost removal scroll, they can either attack or be sacrificed. When I play Simarked Zealots I usually put Heritage or Powerbound on them so that if they are killed you can still get value. You can also use them to kill themselves if you want to get the effect of Heritage but there are no opponent units on the field.

Speed Set target unit's Countdown to 0.

Speed is the best source of countdown reset in order. It can be used in many different combinations, and it most effectively used on Honorable Generals.

Summons Draws one Structure from your library.

Summons are used to draw Structures, including memorials. Please remember that if you have 3 structures in your deck, summons will not find any more when you cast it if they are already in hand or on the field.

Transposition Switch places of two units you control.

You can use transposition in the same way you would use flip. So you can use it to switch an attacking unit with one still on 1 or higher countdown, or you can use it to swap around units you don't want to get attacked. You can also use it to change the positioning of your units if some of them die. For example if you had a Skirmisher behind a Spearman and infront of an Honorable General, and the Spearman is now dead - you can transposition the Skirmisher and General to protect the Skirmisher.

Thought Trap Target unit's Countdown is doubled.

Similarly to Frost Wind, Though Trap is rather weak considering the amount of countdown reset available. Although if played early enough you may have a chance to get value for it.

Vengeance Veil When enchanted unit receives damage, it's Countdown decreases by 1.

Although this scroll is a source of countdown reset, it’s not particularly effective. Blessing of Haste and Speed work much better as they don’t rely on your unit being attacked. Once your opponent see’s Vengeance Veil, they will aim to kill it in one turn so you lose the effect.

Waking Stones All damage dealt to Waking Stones is reduced to 1.

In my opinion, Waking Stones are the best defensive structures there are. They have 3 health and only take 1 damage, making them a complete nightmare for your opponent (unless they are using Tick Bomb of course). Waking Stones can help you protect your units, or prepare to set up a defence when an opponent’s units are about to attack. They can be buffed with things like Crown of Strength and can be healed with Imperial Resources.

Woodland Memorial When Woodland Memorial comes into play, increase Growth by 1.

This memorial is used for splash growth decks.

I've made a video to go with this now, hope it's useful.


Scrolls basics with Rastien & Handsomejack8 - Order Edition

As the title suggests here is a video of myself and Gareth from power trigger going over some of the basics with Order and the decisions made during the course of a game.


Scrolls 2 Year Anniversary Tournament

To celebrate Scrolls 2nd birthday have organised a tournament, with some amazing prizes !

First prize: 50000 gold
Second prize: 30000 gold
Third prize: 20000 gold

Registration for the tournament is now closed, so sorry if you missed out this time. Hurr (GrumpCat) and Durr (Rastien)  are both participating in the tournament - so wish us luck !

Currently registered players are below:

22. Prof_Zoig

We will of course keep you updated with the tournament and hopefully we will be recording some of our matches.

Round one pairings have been annoucned, you can see them below. We will update the results as they come in on the thread.

Round One

07/03/13: Round one pairings have been announced. The first win of the tournament goes to Niar, but there's still a chance for someone to win after loosing their first game.

The second of the round one winners is Deludee, who managed to beat scrollsguide's kbasten. Best of luck to both of them in the second round.

Hurr (GrumpCat) will be having her first match against fomtg, scheduled for Thursday night. He's a good player so it's going to be a tough one! We will update the results and write up a full report afterwards.

Grumpcat vs fomtg round 1 match report

I have played fomtg a few times before, and none of those games went particularly well. So when I discovered that I was paired with him for my round one match, I wasn’t very hopeful. From the tournament thread I knew he was playing energy, which I find most difficult to play against. Nonetheless, I went into the game telling myself I still had a chance to win if I played well.

My general experience with energy is that if you let too many big units stay on the field, the game isn’t going to last very long. So my game plan was to kill everything in sight and try to  end the game as quickly as possible. Fomtg’s deck had a ridiculous amount of removal, ember bonds, inferno blast, thundersurge, violent dispersal etc -  but he couldn’t maintain field presence. Once I had used imperial resources I knew that the game was coming to a close.

Looking at his deck now, it seems too inconsistent and a little disjointed. 1 copies of scrolls in a 51 scroll deck would be difficult for anyway to play. Although he did mention that he built it himself and it is still unfinished, so I commend him for that. Making a deck is no easy task, and from what I’ve seen the new energy scrolls such as bombard and concentrate fire are must have scrolls.
Although I’ve won my round one game, I’m still unconvinced that I’m going to finish in a prize winning position – but I will do my best anyway !

08/03/2013: Cerc6 and Sysp both win their round one matches, congratulations !

08/03/2013: JysusCryst manages to secure a victory in their round one match against Varicus. We are at the halfway point for round one with more matches still to be decided.

09/03/2013: Viktor, Barbalatte and Handsomejack8 win their round one matches. Only three left to go, including Durr's!

10/03/2013: Lordbandaid and Jcvsmc's game has been completed and Lordbandaid has walked away victorious!

Another of the match-ups played today was between Malachia and Selebu, although new to the scene Malachia pulled his weight and claimed a victory.

Final match of round 1 between our very own Durr and Blinky! A hard fought game but Durr managed to pull it off!.

This concludes round 1, Round 2 pairings shall be announced tomorrow at 12pm GMT

10/03/2013: Round 2 Pairings announced!

Durr's Round 1 Match Report.

This was always going to be an exceptionally hard fought game and in all honesty I am surprised I managed to pull off it off. This is the first time I have ever beaten Blinky and the game was very back and forth but I just about managed to keep the upper hand by removing his threats as fast as I could. Towards the end I knew I had him on the back foot so was trying to end it as quickly as possible before to many gravelock eldars hit the field and I couldn't answer them.

The amount of cool down reset in my deck really paid off as it helped keep constant pressure on and didn't let up. Unleash inner power as usual was a power house card not only winning me the game but enabling me to  remove creatures with potion of resistance on.

All in all I'm exceptionally happy with the victory and know full well how this could have easily swung the other way, we have played once before against each other using very similar decks. In that game I managed to get the last idol I needed to 5hp but he managed to turn it around and into a win.

Round Two



11/03/2013: Our first set of round two winners are announced ! Congratulations kbasten, barbalatte and Varicus for securing their victories !

Cerc6 also manages to win their round two match - their second win in a row !

12/03/2013: We've had some more winners today with JysusCryst, Acidbjib and our own Rastien/Durr!. This puts Rastien and JysusCryst at 2-0 and Acidjib at 1-1.

We're just about half way through round 2 now and round 3 is already beginning to shape up to be some good match-ups for all players. Durr's round 2 match report will be up tomorrow with another video of him playing.

14/03/2013: With round 2 nearly drawn to a close and just fomtg and Varicus left to play their games, we're nearly all set for round 3! Congratulations to our own Grumpcat who won her 2nd game bring her score to 2-0! It looks like there may well be a show down between Hurr & Durr coming! Also congratulations to Blinky and Selebu making their scores 1-1! Finally, congratulations to Deludee who also now has a score of 2-0.

16/03/2013 The final match of round 2 has been played with fomtg triumphing over Nighteyes! congratulations.

This brings us to the end of round 2 of the 2 year anniversary tournament! Round 3 will be pairings TBA tomorrow at 12pm British time.

17/03/2013: Round 3 Pairings announced!

Round Three
Handsomejack8 ***Loss***
Acidjib (Kbasten standing in)  ***Win***

18/03/2013 With round 3 only being announced yesterday we have managed to get alot of our games played already! Congratulations to our own Durr for now going 3-0 in the tournament! Along with Deludee who is now also 3-0. Finally congratulations to Sysp, Fomtg and Varicus for winning their round 3 games.

23/03/2013 TrivialTurtle and jcvsmc have officially dropped out of the tournament. Therefore, we have paired Noghteyes and DarkHunter14 for Round 3.

27/03/2013 As Acidjb is no longer able to play, Kbasten has kindly offered to step in on his behalf. Being one of the tournament organisers (and scrollsguide ruler) we decided this was a fair decision. Kbasten has secured a victory, however if Acidjib now wins a prize it will be distributed to other participants and not himself.  There are only 4 games left to play in this round and with beta around the corner it's time to get a move on !

31/03/2013 Congratulations to our own Grumpcat! who has now also gone 3-0 her powerful mono order deck and sharp skills were to much for JysusCryst to handle.

31/03/2013 GRUMPCAT HAS BROUGHT HOME THE SCROLLSGUIDE.COM TROPHY!!. Congrats to her and her amazing performance so as it stands the top 3 are:


Round Four 
Sysp ***Win***
Handsomejack8 ***Loss***

Round 4 Update:
The fated match between Hurr and Durr has taken place, the dust has settled and it's Hurr that's left standing! Congratulations to her on a hard fought victory, I know she can bring the tournament victory back for Hurr an Durr!

Also congratulations to Blinky, Dkans, Kbasten and Sysp for their round 4 victory's  With only a few more matches left to play hopefully round 4 might be wrapped up by Sunday!.

Final Standings

Due to the nature of the tournament we have broken down the positions into category's Group 3 being the only group winning prizes.



Group 3:



Group 2:








Group 1:








Group 0:



Bastion: The kid wakes up

Bastion is a game which is a shining example of story telling being told through game play, every action you take the 'Narrator' will comment on. From smashing away with your hammer to falling off the world, the story unfolds with the gruff voice commenting on your actions and the world around you. The intro to the game is beautifully done with you lying on your bed not moving as you move the controller to try and work out what to do you arise from your bed and the narration begins with 'The kid wakes up'.

Whilst the story is the real meat of this game the combat system is not to be overlooked with a top down hack and slash style game play and an immense amount of 'tonics' to augment your abilities there are a lot of options in this game. You can choose to take any 2 weapons with you from a fairly large pool, on top of that each weapon has 2 skill tree's from which to choose ability's making your play style very unique.

The artistic style of this game is beautiful  some of the environments are truly gorgeous whilst not hyper realistic graphics the unique art style is exceptionally well animated and truly picturesque.
The environments you traverse are a joy to explore, as the world builds up from under your feat 
on your way to discover hidden treasures and secrets. There were times in the game where I stopped dead in my tracks and admired the amazing scenery and the smallest details that makes this game stand out compare to the usual grey wall and dirt brown pallets of the AAA's we are used to.

The last thing I have to mention about Bastion is the melodic sound track, ranging from upbeat fast paced battle music. To the somber and saddening tracks that match the mood of complete loneliness and despair at the world the characters lived in being ripped apart. For all those looking for a good story combined with stylized art style and beautiful soundtrack I can't recommend Bastion enough. If possible it's defiantly one to be played with a controller for all those PC users out there, I found a controller just made the game that bit more enjoyable.