
2-D Survival Horror: Lone Survivor

The title says it all a 2-D survival horror game, as unlikely as those two words being used in the same sentence may well be, the statement holds true. Lone survivor's roots are definitely entrenched in the first Silent Hill games, from the feeling of dread the game instills to the hard to distinguish machine like noises that erupt from the creatures. 

The game itself finds you in control of medical mask wearing man who appears to be in his late 20's. You are tasked with simply surviving and exploring your apartment complex, unfortunately your sanity has been getting the better of you recently. There is no bar or meter to track your sanity only the sense that the world and the way your character behaves becomes stranger. You are able to take pills to try and alleviate these effects, but it's never clear how the pills will effect you.

Along with pills you have to keep yourself fed and scavenging for food becomes rapidly important and you often feel relieved at finding some edible food. As when times become desperate the hunk of rotting meat in your fridge starts to look a lot more tasty... 

The meat of the game is going to be running, hiding and occasionally fighting the twisted incantations of this world. The emphasis on shooting is really played down, you only ever have a hand gun and ammo is exceptionally rare. This ramps the tension up considerably as it's nearly always better to run or hide from the twisted apparitions that live in this world with you.

For those who scoff at the idea of 2-D game being scary I request you at least play the demo and wet your beak. I haven't experienced this feeling of claustrophobic dread created by the atmosphere  from horror games in a long time. For it to come from a small indie 2-D title is even more impressive.

Grab your head phones because you can play the demo online here: http://www.lonesurvivor.co.uk/demo.html


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